søndag 8. desember 2013

Platform 9 3/4

I går var jeg oppe ganske tidlig, for jeg skulle nemlig ta toget til Edinburgh, og fra Edinburgh skulle jeg sette meg på toget til London. Når jeg drar ned til Jake pleier jeg å ta buss, det er billig, og jeg sover bare uansett. Men, jeg hadde lyst til å prøve tog nedover nå til jul. Angrer ikke, for å si det sånn! Fint vær og fint landskap hele veien! I tillegg er det jo litt mer mulighet for bevegelse på et stort tog enn en liten, trang buss. Plutselig var vi på London King's Cross Station, og toget kom inn like ved platform 9, og da er det jo ikke langt unna til platform 9 3/4. Måtte jo selvfølgelig bort dit for å ta et aldri så lite bilde (måtte den veien uansett, siden jeg måtte på undergrunnen), og der stod det folk i laaaang kø for å få tatt sitt bilde med valgfritt skjerf fra Harry Potter. Like ved siden av er det jo også en forholdsvis stor Harry Potter-butikk. Var altfor fult inne der til at jeg orka å gå inn med koffert, bag og sekk, haha.

Yesterday I was up quite early, cause I was taking the train to Edinburgh, and from Edinburgh I was going to take the train all the way to London. When I go down to see Jake I usually take the bus, it's cheap and I just sleep anyway. But, I wanted to try the train on the way down now before Christmas. Let's just say I don't regret doing that! Lovely weather and scenery all the way! In addition, there are more opportunities for moving around on a big train than a tiny bus. Suddenly we were at London King's Cross Station, and the train arrived just by platform 9, and that's not far away from platform 9 3/4. I obviously had to go by to take a picture (I had to go that anyway since I had to take the tube), and people were standing in a loooooong queue there to take their picture with a Harry Potter-scarf. Just by the platform there is also a shop dedicated to Harry Potter and the platform. It was way too busy for me to be bothered going in with my suitcase, bag, and rucksack, haha.  

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